Multifamily Bootcamp in Orlando, FL on Dec 3-5th (live in-person)

October 25th, 2021 | Strategic Vision Conference (SVC)

Rod Khleif | President & Founder | Lifetime Cashflow Academy



I will be holding and hosting our LIVE in-person Multifamily Bootcamp back in Orlando, FL on Dec 3-5th!    Use the code “RodFriend”  for an incredible $197 rate!  The ticket will also include my 8 module Courage & Confidence course to help you take action with what you learn!  If you’re truly serious about getting equipped with the knowledge, tools, and the networking
circle to set up your family for generations to come then you 100% need to attend this event!
I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about the multifamily space that I’ve
learned buying thousands of units over my 40+ year career including:
  How to Find and Analyze a Property 
  How to Fund Your Deals 
  Deal Negotiation Tactics 
  Property Value-Add Strategies 
  How to Grow Your Network & Build A Team 
  And Much MORE!
? You’re even going to have access to our rock star panelists to answer all your questions LIVE
on stage + a bunch of other Done-for-You Templates, Scripts & Checklists as well!
Like I said, this is going to be our very FIRST live Multifamily Bootcamp coming back from all this
craziness so we are going to GO BIG, you are not going to want to miss out!
? All of my past bootcamps have SOLD OUT and we fully expect this one to as well so get your 
ticket NOW while there’s still time! We will ONLY be doing 1 live in-person event per year! 
Look forward to seeing you in Orlando for the bootcamp! 
All the Best,