SVC2020: Conference Recap

April 13th, 2021 | Strategic Vision Conference (SVC)

SVC | Team SVC | Strategic Vision Conference




Hopefully you were one of those who joined us live for the inaugural event on 10-20-2020.  For people in Europe and other parts of the world, that’s 20th of October, 2020.  If you joined us, or you weren’t available to, you can now relive the moment or watch all the videos for the first time.  Videos include the one-on-one interviews.  As much as we wanted to host a live event; there was no appetite for that in 2020.  Albeit just one session; we were able to pull off one of 2020’s hybrid in-person events.  At the onset, we noticed a gap and wanted to liven the event space with great speakers from different industries who would impart their experience and knowledge on our audience.  After last year’s turnout and outcome, we are humbled the overall success.  It was a pleasure hosting all that brainpower under one digital roof.   Thanks to all the great people who assisted; we managed to achieve and surpass our aim.  Why did the recap take so long? We’ve been working hard for you, and we always save the best for last.  Do keep abreast and follow the updates. The next blog post will explain in detail.  If you like the witty quotes and serendipitous sound bites from these business and tech leaders, you can binge watch the videos here.   There’s 8.5 hours of educational and helpful business content.  Given our business model and background, we like to measure Return on Investment (ROI) of your time and resource. If you took swift action on some of the items discussed, your investment would have quintupled as of April 2021, that’s 5X times your money.  Feel free to share this page using the social icons above.  Disclaimer: the information above is not investment advice, it’s simply stating a fact.

The day started off  bright and early in New York City at The Millennium Hilton Hotel.  Jeremy Balkin The Head of Innovation at HSBC Bank, N.A. kicked off the inaugural event with “The Future of Banking” Keynote at 9AM.


Big News After The Event 



While we had no part to play in the news these three companies reported, it’s a pleasure to have hosted their executives. Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky, Gainsight’s CCO Ashvin Vaidyanathan and Symbl’s CEO Surbhi Rathore.

>  Celsius: Crossed $5.3 billon in assets, increased total asset by 10X in 2020 

>  Gainsight: Attained unicorn status a month after 

>  Symbl: Raised $4.75 million two months after the event 


8.5 Hours         11 Panels      30 Speakers    10K Viewers


Quotes & Food for Thought from the Event

Robyn Business Development Manager at Leyton If we were drinking a glass of champagne one year from today, what will we be celebrating?  

Justin Potts CEO of Avenify “I think for us, one of our goals is to get to $10 million in origination loan volume.  That’s a huge impact we can have, that’s a 1,000 students we would have funded.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “Going to the moon is actually symbolic of what entrepreneurs can achieve, it’s really about a single individual or anyone of us dreaming of what is possible and making it happen. Going to the moon is not just about going to the moon because we it has been done, it’s showing as a private citizen, as a private company you’re doing what the super powers did before.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “As an entrepreneur your life is like a heartbeat, it goes up and down up and down and that tells you, you are alive.  When you are running a smooth life you are dead. You never want your heartbeat to be smooth and that’s the life of an entrepreneur.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “When you are on top of that beat, never get too cocky because winter is coming, and winter will come.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “Why do we have to speak to communicate our ideas, why can’t we just connect brains to all the brains out there and upload your brain and Instantly you will have all the knowledge why do you have to seat in the class for four years to learn the knowledge from the professor why can’t you just broadband the connection and get the ting downloaded and you’re done.”

Founder of Interplay VC:  Mark Peter Davis  “For entrepreneurs who can make a small business and have cash flow coming out, this is not a good fit, venture capital is a much better fit if you’re going to have a large outcome and typically if you’re going to need a lot of capital to achieve it.”

MD of Comcast Ventures:  Gil Beyda  “I wanted to have some skin in the game, and the best way to do that is to put some skin in the game so I formed Genacast 12 years ago.”

MD of Comcast Ventures: Gill Beyda “There are too many legacy industries that need disruption, I think we’re going to continue to see multibillion dollar companies created.”

CMO of Weather Group:  Fred Bucher “If you are in the media business to use your formula from a customer outcome perspective Customer Experience, if you’re not delivering that one to one relationship giving people the content where they want it, when they want it and how they want it, you’re just not going to be successful.”

CMO of Weather Group:  Fred Bucher “First and foremost similar to Netflix you need to understand who you are trying to serve. Some people make the mistake of looking at the masses first, whereas you’ll know this from reading the book Netflix real, the viable market they were going after were people who didn’t want to pay late fees at Blockbuster.”

CEO of  Symbl:  Surbhi Rathore So How do you think of deep mind and AI together separately in a symbiotic relationship or either way?

CEO of  Symbl: Surbhi Rathore “What are the ways in which Google’s AI Division helps other businesses save billions incredible amounts of money uhm generate business value today.”

CEO of Celsius: Alex Masinsky: “We created a platform where you can download a digital wallet and deposit digital asset earn up to 11%,  a 100 times more than your bank pays you, instead of the you working for the money. That’s the opportunity we provide that you cannot really find anywhere else.”

CEO of Celsius: Alex Mashinsky: “If I send you my picture for example, a picture of my cat, I get to keep a copy of it, and you get to keep a copy of it.  No one knows which one is the original, which one is not. That works great for a cat, but doesn’t work great if I am sending you $20.”

CEO of Celsius: Alex Mashinsky “Amazon does much more for you, as a consumer as a customer than your bank does, banks have over many years have become this exceptional machine that sucks all the profits out of the retail customer and delivers them to the shareholders.”

Executive Coach:  Joshua Encarnacion “I think, work from Home isn’t going anywhere especially in the tech industry;  and as software continues to take over the world, I feel every industry will have its opportunity to be fully remote or if not, take on this hybrid approach to contributing to connecting.”

Chief Diversity Officer of Marcus Thomas: Elise James-DeCruise  “I think that it is very exciting that we are seeing a lot of Chief Diversity & Inclusion officer roles out there, uhm I remain hopeful that companies advocates and champions are going to stand by these roles and Individuals in a position to lead in these roles.”

Chief Diversity Officer at Marcus Thomas: Elise James-DeCruise   “I do think it’s important for companies to position their CDIOs organizationally. I do think it’s important to have the budget to be able to advance D&I across the workforce, workplace, market and community and I do think it’s important tp ensure that they have access to experiences, access to relationships, access to you know funding and partnerships to be successful so that they stay.”

Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Edelman Trish L. Smith: “I think we’ve seen across all industries and sectors that Diversity, equity and Inclusion is a business imperative.  We’ve know it in terms of the bottom line, but now people are seeing that their employees are also demanding it now more than ever before as well as their external stakeholders; their clients stakeholders, customers shareholders and so forth.”

Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Edelman Trish L. Smith:  “Bringing in speakers to speak about what does equity really mean you hear these terms, how does it manifest and what is your role and responsibility as an employee in   this community and fostering that.”

Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Edelman Trish L. Smith: “Helping our employees from a point of wellness standpoint we work so hard and often, now we are living at work not working from home where it’s constant day in and day out so how are we making sure people are taking space and time for themselves.”

Founder & Partner FF Venture Capital:  John Frankel “Whenever you have a recession or downturn in the economy, it creates a disruption which enables new talent to surface as entrepreneurs.”

Managing Director URBAN-X:  Micah Kotch “Are we moving more towards a future that looks like Iron Man, or Terminator?”

Managing Partner CARBON: Shayne Veramallay “You have to have undaunted passion for what you are setting out to do, because of those roadblocks, because of the adversity because of the pain in the ass you have to go through you have to care about it because if don’t, you’re going to stop.  It’s very easy at some point to walk away, but if it’s something that you have to see through no matter what, that’s what’s going to give you that determination and tenacity, without that you will quit.”

Managing Director URBAN-X:  Micah Kotch “This is one of the few areas that Democrats & Republicans can actually agree on   is the need for energy innovation, it does have some bipartisan support.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “Why have a limited neo cortex in your head if you can connect it to the cloud and have unlimited neo cortex, unlimited memory, unlimited processing power unlimited imagination.”

Founder & CEO of Viome & Moon Express: Naveen Jain  “The World change  you have to find out what opportunities are been created number two, what technologies are coming together which allow you to solve that which was unsolvable before.”