Great Podcast for Entrepreneurs

February 15th, 2020 | Strategic Vision Conference (SVC)

Great Podcast for Entrepreneurs

If you’re are just venturing into entrepreneurship, or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, the podcasts below contain invaluable education that could save you time and money.  If you are sitting on the fence as a wannapreneur, these podcast provide anecdotes and great lessons to help you decide the best path forward. Before lifting big weights, you have to start with smaller ones. Before embarking on a two hour workout routine, you have do your full body stretch. An entrepreneurship endeavor of any sort is not a work in the park.  For some it’s natural, for others not so much.  No matter which camp you fall into, the former or the latter. It’s always helpful to learn  from the mistakes and experiences of others.  It helps to accelerate your plan and reduce wasted time.  You can search for them on Spotify or listen on other platforms.

  1. Masters of Scale
  2. Y Combinator This is great; you can listen and watch here here
  3. Future Proof  You can listen to it here
  4. Business Schooled   Business Schooled
  5. Recode/ Recode  Decode   Reset  and Pivot

Stay tuned for more helpful resources for entrepreneurs